When Life Gets Tough (PART 3)

Edit:  Update here!

Okay, so to everyone who's interested in knowing how I got rid of the majority of my food allergies, I went to another bio-resonance treatment place - not Healing Resonance, let's call it Susan's Bio-Resonance.

She's helped rid me of these allergies:
- Wheat
- Diary
- Bakers Yeast
- Corn
- Egg
- Coconut
- Garlic
- Parsley (I know it's ridiculous.)
- Others I can't remember

I'm still allergic to salicylates.  Which is honestly terrible since I can't eat 95% of fruits and vegetables.  How do I release my bowels?  Beats me.

And yes, I am indeed some freak of nature, allergic to practically everything on earth.  I'm sorry if I sound bitter, I truly am.  My greatest desire is that God shortens my life so I won't need to live with this misery.  At the rate I'm going, with the potential lack of nutrients my body may receive, who knows, maybe my dreams will come true.

Okay but enough about me, I'm writing this for you!

I've received lots of emails regarding questions ya'll might have, so I'm answering them all here!

Q:  Why go to Susan?


1) She's worked in the medical field before and is more qualified to assess your condition.  
2) She charges very reasonably.  
3) She also won't make you sign a package - because truly, each person's condition is different and you can't assume 6 or 10 treatments will get you cured.  
4) She has the latest technology.  She's always updating her equipment, skills, and knowledge.  It's really cool.
4) The best part about Susan, she can help eliminate your allergy.  

Q:  How much is it per session?  

A:  $150 for 1 1/2 hours.  It may seem like a lot, but seriously, compare it with other bio-resonance treatment places.  (And think about, it's a small price to pay for freedom to eat what you wanna eat!)

Q:  How many sessions does it take to get completely well?

A:  Wow honestly, it really depends on your body.  If your condition isn't so severe, I would say it'll take a few months to a year?  I won't know how many sessions per se... 

Q:  What can I do to alleviate the effects of the "healing crisis"?

A:  Oh how I wish I knew.  I guess everyone goes through different sorts of healing crises.  And I'm so sorry and sad to say I really don't know how to make things better.  I really stuck through the whole ordeal, the swollen face, the peeling, the itching...  Even now, I'm going through a second healing crisis and I'm depressed all the time...  I don't know how to make things better..  :(

I think I've covered most of the questions?   But if you still have other pressing questions, you can contact me at:  charis.chong@hotmail.com 
Or message me on Instagram at @charis.chong

Just to be super real with you guys, my condition got a lot worse this year with many other allergies popping out of nowhere - as mentioned earlier, the salicylate allergy, it's the worst.  Not being able to eat fruits and vegetables, and thus not being able to clear my toxin, which in turn brings about even worse skin problems is truly mortifying.  I don't know what to do about it as my flare ups seem super frequent and sporadic.  I don't think you guys will have such a complicated case like mine, I'm truly, alien.  I sincerely believe all of you can get better if you go for the treatment and take it slow.  :)

I've actually recorded video logs of my horrendous journey, it's on my FB page, you guys can check it out so you won't feel so alone.  



If you're ever bummed about your situation, you can FB message me or something.  We can talk it out, cry it out, yell it out even.  I'm thinking of starting a group on FB so we can commiserate or share ways to improve our situations or cheer ourselves up.  I know how tormenting it is living with eczema.  I absolutely hate it and as mentioned earlier, I often find myself wishing God would kill me off and end my misery.  And for parents, I can only imagine how your heart breaks for your kids because I am absolutely heartbroken when I think of all the pain my mom goes through for me.  I love her so much.  I know it's tiring and it may seem hopeless, but guys, don't give up.  We are strong, we will persevere, and prayerfully in time, we will get better.  

And if you really wanna know what's keeping me alive?  It's Jesus Christ.  He's the only one I can cling to in these moments.  I have no advice to give on how to bring comfort to all the physical discomfort, I can't tell you what to eat or drink, or what creams to use, but one thing is for certain, you can definitely rely on God for He gives us grace and strength to sustain us for each new day.  Sure I'm perpetually discouraged and depressed, most certainly I cry like I'm forever on my period, yes I go through a hell of a lot of pain, of course I frequently question myself about the injustice of this world, but I am most certain that my life on this earth is temporary and that when I pass on, there will be a greater reward for me in heaven.  

2 Corinthians 4:16-18
16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. 18 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

Don't give up guys, press on, have faith.  <3


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