I'm (It's) Back!

(Did Jack Nicholson's scene from "The Shining" just play in your head?  Or have you not watched it?  Well, neither have I.  Haha!)

So, it's been nearly 4 years since my last post on my skin, and I'm mortified to say...

It's baaaack...

 I'm Back - 
 I'm Back  the shining

Well, 4 years later, the eczema manifests differently - it's evolved, just like the xenomorphs in the "Alien" series.  

Xenomorph evolution

(Okay I really need to stop with the movie references. Hee.)  

And well, just to give you guys some background to my situation, I've been allergic to wheat and dairy for 4 years or so.  Eating foods that contain wheat and dairy make me flare up in rashes.  I've stopped eating bread, pasta, ice cream, basically all the good foods in the world.  Ugh.  :(  This being said, I do admit that sometimes I let a few slide..  Especially when I'm overseas, I go mad for food.  Heheh..

How could you say no to this??  :(

Okay but back to the eczema!  While my condition has deteriorated in the past few months, thankfully, it isn't as bad as it was 4 years ago.  Still, I face all the same struggles as before - it's itchy, it's ugly, and I still get bummed over everything.

So how exactly has it "morphed"?  Haha!
- To start off, my skin has become extremely thin..  A simple scratch can immediately tear skin and create open wounds.  This may be unrelated but I also bruise really easily..  I find this highly strange because I'm completely off steroids, and steroids are known to thin the skin..  This is very worrying..  Haha!  
- I no longer get many large, deep, discoid open wounds, but I break out in hives often and have weeping skin - especially so under my thighs.  Also, the bumpy hives + thin skin cause scrape like scabs to appear almost everywhere; well, mainly on my legs.  (This honestly causes me to be very self-conscious.  I don't dare to wear dresses and skirts often because the back of my legs are hideous.  Heh.)

Do you want to see pictures?  ;)  
Well, you should feel honoured - I have yet to show my boyfriend this side of my skin condition.  (I wonder how he'll take it...  ...  Okay!  That's not the point.  Lol!)

Well, here it goes!

Beneath the thigh


Erk.  So gross.  Lol.  How to wear skirts/shorts/dresses like that??  :(  
Does anyone wanna go pants shopping with me?  Hee.

I know I've mentioned going for Healing Resonance, and although it helped me tremendously, I'm starting to think the effects of the treatment have worn off...  Either that, or I never really completed my treatment..  (This is going to sound extremely ridiculous but I had absolutely no idea that bio-resonance treatment was supposed to alleviate the effects of food allergies and even potentially eliminate the allergies altogether.  All along I thought that the treatment was supposed to:  1. Help me identify my food allergies 2. Heal the eczema temporarily (while I'd forever have to keep to a strict diet of abstaining from foods I was allergic to)).  I see myself going for the treatment again in the near future, and this time for a longer period of time.  (I just have to save money for the treatment and mentally prepare myself for looking ugly and undergoing depression.  Lol.  And this time, I won't have anyone to hold my hand.  Heh.  Only Jesus!!)

So well, I guess the whole point of this is to openly share my struggles, diet, and cool food discoveries from now till I go for the treatment/till I get better.  I will do my absolute best to stick to a strict diet because I am tired of scratching and looking gross.  I'm a girl and I want to be pretty.  LOL!  Okay but truly, it is dispiriting, and very tiring so...  Let's pray that things look up!  :)

I went to church yesterday and something struck a chord in me:  
Hebrews 13:15 says, "By him there let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name."  
The pastor said that offering God a sacrifice of praise meant praising God even when things were difficult and not going our way.  Well Jesus, I choose to praise you despite the turmoil.  
I know You've got me.  :)

Jesus:  The umbrella in the rain.  HAHAH.


  1. Shalom Charis, how have you been? I chanced upon your blog. I may be able to help you. I was also bugged by the annoying eczema, and for more than 20 years! Truly an agony! But I have since recovered almost fully with rarely any flares after going through a therapy. And of course, by the grace of God through Christ Jesus that I am free! Let me know if you would like to know more about it. Hope that I be able to help you. Have a wonderful day!


  2. Hi Charis, I chanced upon your blog when I was looking up for eczema treatment suggestions. I have been suffering from eczema since I was little, and recently it just evolved to something like yours, strange hives all over. I saw that you have an alternate recommendation aside from Healing Resonance, and I could not locate your email. Would mind to share the details of the other treatment place with me? Thank you very much!


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