So What If I'm Fat?
Have you ever heard of the phrase "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"?
1. Let's talk about mothers!
And have you ever heard of the other phrase "Be slow to anger?"
Well, I'm in between both now.
You see, not too long ago, I got called fat (sad to say) by a friend.
He's a guy. We're pretty close, or so.
He's the kind of guy who thinks that a girl's physical appearance is really important. I guess I can't fault him for that, most people value one's physical appearance, myself included. He's the kind of guy who thinks that for a girl to be pretty, she's gotta be real skinny. He's the kind of guy whose girlfriend probably has to have a gorgeous face with a Victoria's Secret model's figure and a dress sense like Miss Universe or something. (Okay, maybe I exaggerated the last part. HAHA.)
She's probably gotta look something like this. ( |
But I get it. I'm honestly, not thin. Even though I weigh less than 50kg, I can't blame him for calling me fat. I am wholesome, with fats in all the fatty areas. HAHA. Okay, so fat it is!
But then again... I don't know about you, but I would never call someone fat/ugly/stupid/anything with a negative connotation. Even if it were a joke, or that person were my real close friend. (Unless it's the way you and your friends roll - like ya'll get along by exchanging snappy comments.) I don't know, it just doesn't seem right. Or maybe it's just me. I mean, I wouldn't like someone saying such things to me, so why should I crack such hurtful jokes/make such mean comments about other people?
Anyways, I haven't been able to let go of it just yet, and I've been coming up with a few comebacks that I should have said when he called me fat! (Cause all I did that night was to remain silent.) So, just so I can forgive and forget, I shall type them all down; I shall get over it once and for all!
Him: Fat.
Me: Has your mother ever taught you manners? Like, it's very rude to say such things to people? (Especially girls?)
2. No wonder you don't have a girlfriend.
Him: Fat.
Me: Now you know why you're still single, my friend! You'll never get a girlfriend at the rate you're going, cause you don't know how to be nice to girls. Plus, no one would ever be good enough for you!
3. What about your sister/mother?
Him: Fat.
Me: How would you like it if someone called your sister/mother fat? You'd be pretty mad wouldn't you? That's how I'm feeling right now.
4. Fat?
Him: Fat.
Me: Fat?? So what is thin then? When all my bones show? When I've got no butt and toothpick arms and legs?? Sheesh.
5. Two can play this game...
Him: Fat.
Me: Hey, you work out right? You're still so thin! Did you lose muscle mass?? Gosh, your arms are like twigs! I don't think your gym routine is really working out at all!
6. I feel sorry for your friends who aren't anorexic.
Him: Fat.
Me: Do you have friends who are slightly chubby? I'm sure you do. And I really hope you're not this direct to them, cause I'm pretty sure you'd be hurting their feelings...
7. Haven't you heard of the Golden Rule?
Him: Fat.
Me: You know, there's this rule, the Golden Rule... It goes like this: Do unto others what you would like done unto yourself. I like this rule A LOT. So I guess, since you want me to criticise your physical appearance, I shall! Starting with your... (Off I'd go!)
I guess there are reasons why none of these comebacks actually came out of my mouth. I know I'd never say such things to anyone, no matter how much he or she criticised me. It just wouldn't feel right because it goes against what I believe in. And all in all, I'm glad I didn't resort to saying rude and hurtful things to my friend. It doesn't matter if we look a certain way, but it does matter if we act, behave, or treat people in a certain way. :)
your friend probably need some good glasses his vision is probably blur. you, are definitely far from what they define as fat. :)
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